Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chapter 8 & 9 Teamwork at Ai



                       Last quarter at Ai I took a Fashion Show Production class. In this class we were split into two groups where in each group we had to produce a fashion show and each member was assigned to their own role, mine being model coordinator. In the begging of the class we were a group, each person with their own thoughts and own ideas about the show and what they thought needed to be done.
                      We quickly began to realize that this wasn't working out. We were working as a group where everyone had their own opinions and ideas of what each person was supposed to be doing. We had a project manager position volunteer at the beginning of the class but unfortunately that person was not stepping up to that position and that is when things started to go wrong. There was no communication with the leader and everyone felt as if this person didn't even want to be involved in our fashion show let alone our group. We knew something had to be done so we all had a meeting together and each person discussed what their issues were and how we were going to fix them. Our teacher was present during this meeting which I believe helped keep the situation professional and by the end we all felt relieved and knew how to move forward.
                     From that meeting on we were no longer a group but a team. Yes we still had an assigned leader but we were all working together giving each other ideas and everyone was helping where help was needed. Our fashion show ended up being a success and went off without a hitch. it definitely helped to transform our group to a team because we weren't working as individuals anymore but as a cohesive unit.

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