Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Men Vs. Women in the Workplace

Who’s the Boss?

           In my work experience I have only had one male manager and I have to say he was the best. I find that through each women manager I have found that things aren’t as clear and work doesn’t get done as quickly or as efficiently. There are also downsides to every manager but in my opinion and experience men run a tighter ship.

I do believe it also depends on your own personality and the way you want to be treated and talk to at work. Personally, I like for my manager to be straight up with me and tell me exactly what they need me to get done and how they want me to do it. I don’t like when managers leave a grey area or leave me with needing to ask a lot of questions. But not all people are like that. In retail, which is where most of my work experience comes from, there is a majority of girls working. Most of which are sensitive and take everything to heart. For those kinds of girls they do prefer a women manager so I guess you could say I’m one of the few.

Everyone has a different experience and everyone has their own personality it comes down to the way you want to be treated and the kind of workplace you want to surround yourself in. I don’t believe its really a matter or men vs. women in the workplace but more of what kind of personality do you have.

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