Thursday, April 23, 2015

Chapter 3- Karelle Kanish

Chapter 3 Developing Global Managers
·         Tata is recognized by workforce management for recruiting and staffing programs
o   Ignite: new HR program combines electronic instruction with face to face contact
·         Global mindset: a broader awareness and openness to the cultural values and practices. The three types are:
o   Intellectual
o   Psychological
o   Social
·         Societal culture: involves shared values, norms, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of collectives that are transmitted over time. This also involves your ethics and what a company believes in or stands for:
o   People in the Netherlands were able to pick their own times to come into work
·         Societal culture is what we already know which can affect our individual differences
·         Ethnocentrism : belief that one’s native country, culture, language, and models of behavior are superior to all others
·         Project globe: a global managers interacts with colleagues from several different countries or cultures. 62 societies involved
o   Power distance
o   Uncertainty avoidance
o   Institutional collectivism
o   In-group collectivism
o   Gender egalitarianism
o   Assertiveness
o   Future orientation
o   Performance orientation
o   Humane orientation
·         Individualistic vs. collectivistic
o   “I and me” vs. “We and us”
·         High context vs. low context
o   Derive great meaning from situational sue vs. derive key info from precise and brief written and spoken messages
·         Monochromic vs. polychromic
o   Time is precise and rigidly measured vs. time is more fluid and flexible

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